Why Your Company Should Use Facebook

Facebook is probably the most recognized social media icon of the 21st century. Founder and CEO, Mark Zuckerburg, has truly made a name for himself and his brand by revolutionizing the way people interact globally.  According to postling.com, 75% of small businesses use Facebook as a major means of communication.  As a small business owner you may think why should MY company use Facebook.    The answer may look different for each business on the surface, but at the core it’s about creating geuinue conversations with consumers by meeting them “where they are” thus satisfying these potential customers and increasing revenue for your business. 

Cultivating a Fan Base

A “fan” is a Facebook user who “likes” your company’s product, service, or brand.   Most of Facebook users, use the site for building relationships and cultivating personal connection.  According to toprankblog.com, “quite a few companies are successfully using Facebook to build important relationships with prospects and customers.”  Facebook supports brand reputation by putting your product or service “out there” for consumers to partake.  Having a Facebook allows you to be included in a network of individuals and allows your business to understand the challenges potential customers face. Simply asking consumers to buy your products or service without building a connection would undermind the whole premise of Facebook. Providing updates and reviews through Facebook allows you to reach people who may not generally visit your website or store.

According to a survey by Chadwick Martin Bailey and iModerate:

…customers are more likely to buy from companies they track via social media. By putting a face to a brand it is possible to position your brand as a resource that will be the first call for that follower when the time comes to make a purchase decision.

 Customer Satisfaction

Encouraging users to interact with your fan page compels users to want to build a relationship with the company.  Highlighting testimonials on the page allows other “fans” to see the value of your product or service. Likewise, fans who express negative experiences allows you to publicly address their concerns on your Facebook page and supporting the overall professional image and reputation you would want for your business. 

Using Facebook As  a Means of Advertisement

 Besides the interactive appeal of Facebook, company’s can use Facebook to promote a specific service, at a specific time, for a specific demographic.  This level of focusing your Facebook advertisement allows you to target your audience, a feature that is unique to Facebook’s approach to building relationships.  Furthermore, Facebook’s open graph allows your company to be “liked” by your fans on sites other than Facebook, increasing potential traffic and therefore increasing revenue.  New news about Facebook’s advertising updates can be found [HERE]

Facebook ha s marketing tool and integrated system to support customer base is a feature that every business should have…

Facebook marketing isn’t limited to the mega corporations. At the core, it comes down to building meaningful relationships. If customer focused and creative, B2B companies can reap greater rewards from online marketing than many retails giants in the form of long-term customers.│TopRankBlog

 How has Facebook increased your business?  If you do not have a Facebook and would like our SMART team to create a personalized, professional fan page please click [here]

About Sebastian Knowes

Social Media Guru at eFanpage
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